Julian and John Lennon - Imagine Final Update

Fan created remixes and rare variations
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Julian and John Lennon - Imagine Final Update

Post by RubberSolof »

Julian Lennon & John Lennon - Imagine (1971 & 2022) (SONG MASH-UP) (MIKE SOLOF GUEST POST)
I'm going to let Mike have the floor on this. But I want to quickly say that this mash-up Mike made of Julian Lennon singing "Imagine" with his father John Lennon sounds great. You should give it a listen (the download link is at the very bottom of this post), and help share it, because it really is something special. - Paul.

Now, take it away, Mike:

Michael Solof here again. A few days ago (in mid-April 2022), I was blown away by Julian Lennonʼs new release of the track "Imagine" by his dad. After reading the accompanying note from his Twitter post (see below), I knew I just had to see if I could create a version that I wish existed, and try to
make Julianʼs version even more special. With that in mind, I decided to turn it into a duet with his dad.

No easy feat I must say. I started out by tracking down every version of John singing "Imagine" that I could find. During my search I found many home demos, studio outtakes, live cuts, and TV appearances. My main concern was to find a version where the vocals acoustically matched, as closely as possible, those of the Julianʼs performance. It would sound unnatural to use a big echoing reverb drenched John vocal when Julianʼs recording had a beautiful, dry and intimate vocal. I finally found one that was darn close… but the music was completely different and clashed with Julianʼs sparse and haunting solo acoustic version. A few years ago that would have been a hugely insurmountable problem, but now a days there are websites that use really cool tech to separate the vocals from the instruments. What's left is just crystal clear, beautiful sounding vocals!

Using those same sites, I then separated out all the different parts of both versions so I was left with 4 tracks:
1. Julianʼs Lead Vocals
2. Johnʼs Lead Vocals
3. Nunoʼs guitar track
4. Nunoʼs Background Harmony Vocals

I knew I had to use Julianʼs vocal track as my base, and that I would need to edit Johnʼs vocals to match those as closely as possible. My next problem was Johnʼs phrasings were very different from Julianʼs. It wasn't a simple matter of playing both tracks, as is, at the same time. That sounded horrible and I wanted to make this sound as much like father and son sitting down face to face in a small intimate candlelit studio setting… and singing a beautiful song together for the first time. Now I began the hours and hours I needed to accomplish this. I often had to break up Johnʼs phrases between words, and sometimes syllables, to match the timings and structure of Julianʼs song . Occasionally, when that didn't work, I would even change the speed of the recording of Johnʼs vocal to extend the length of certain phrases slightly, for a better fit. It still didn't sound right. My original attempt had them both singing the entire song together. But then I watched a lot of different duets on YouTube and felt that if I switched back and forth between the verses and the choruses, that would be cool. So I did a version like that… but even that was missing the spark of these two guys just singing together.

So I started again. And this time, I had them trading off lines (starting with Julian since it is his release after all) and then having them both sing together on the chorusʼs. That did it… that gave me tingles! 6 more hours of editing…matching up every word and every syllable of the choruses until I was finally done. But I was still missing one last piece.

I let some friends listen to my mix and one comment I got completely transformed the song. I canʼt believe I didn't think of it first. My mix had both vocals centered, but a friend suggested I pan Julianʼs vocals to the left and Johnʼs to the right. First I tried hard pans all the way to the left and right, but this sounded weird. I wanted them to sound like they were sitting side by side, not across the room from each other. So I switched to a softer pan of each vocal just a bit to the left and right. That was MAGIC!

After a lot of internal debate, I also decided to include at the end of the song the extra harmony vocals provided by Julianʼs friend and co-guitarist Nuno Bettencourt. It really makes for a much fuller and powerful ending. So now hereʼs my version of the duet I wish, more than anything, could have existed. Being a huge and lifelong John Lennon fan, I was always touched by the fact that Julian has spent much of his life following in his dadʼs massive footsteps, fighting against the many injustices occurring around the world. Itʼs just downright inspiring to me. Julian was moved enough by the current situation in Ukraine to record this song. I thought the least I could do was let John join in the protest too!
I think he would have liked that.

In a first for both of us, Peter at hXXps://albumsiwishexisted2.blogspot.com and this site (hXXps://albumsthatshouldexist.blogspot.com/2022/04/julian-lennon-john-lennon-imagine-1971.html) are posting Mike's superb effort on the same day, not only to get the song out to as many people as possible but also to highlight the reason that Julian released it in the first place, which is to show support for Ukraine in their current struggle.

"The War on Ukraine is an unimaginable tragedy... As a human, and as an artist, I felt compelled to respond in the most significant way I could. So today, for the first time ever, I publicly performed my Dad’s song, 'IMAGINE'. Why now, after all these years? I had always said that the only time I would ever consider singing ‘IMAGINE' would be if it was the ‘End of the World’…But also because his lyrics reflect our collective desire for peace worldwide. Because within this song, we’re transported to a space, where love and togetherness become our reality, if but for a moment in time…The song reflects the light at the end of the tunnel, that we are all hoping for...As a result of the ongoing murderous violence, millions of innocent families have been forced to leave the comfort of their homes, to seek asylum elsewhere. I’m calling on world leaders and everyone who believes in the sentiment of 'IMAGINE', to stand up for refugees everywhere!"

Please advocate and donate from the heart.
#StandUpForUkraine @glbltczn @nunobettencourtofficial

— Julian Lennon

Here's the mp3 of the duet mash-up:



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Re: Julian and John Lennon - Imagine Final Update

Post by moptophugger »

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Re: Julian and John Lennon - Imagine Final Update

Post by felixm01 »

great job !
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Re: Julian and John Lennon - Imagine Final Update

Post by rfwood1 »

Vielen Dank!
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