(VOIDED PLEASE VOTE AGAIN) What is it that keeps your interest in The Beatles alive?

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What is it that keeps your interest in The Beatles alive?

Unreleased music (official or otherwise)
Unreleased video (official or otherwise)
Restorations, remixes, demixes and AI creations
Limited, obscure, or out of print vinyl pressings
New solo releases
Total votes: 126

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Re: What is it that keeps your interest in The Beatles alive?

Post by Amoos Bouche »

I first became addicted to bootlegs in the 70’s. As I hit my teenage years in the 60’s my first single and LP purchased where the Beatles, so they became my bootleg hit of choice. As my musical tastes are very eclectic I had other ways of satiating my musical desires. However if a Beatleg popped up I found it very difficult to resist. For those who bought Bootlegs during the 70’s and 80’s it could often be a disappointing and expensive experience.

I was lucky, as I worked part-time in a City Centre Independent record shop I was known to all the other record stores in the area, so I was able to arrange a deal where I borrowed Bootlegs for a nominal fee, taped them and gave them back.

As with any addiction, tolerance soon sets in. However also through the shop I knew quite a few collectors so I was lucky enough to be part of a group who would slip you a tape of their latest finds and magic compilations. Even after I moved away from Liverpool and the music scene there, it was revisiting these tapes that kept piquing my interest. Thankfully the Internet has been a life saver and still to this day it feeds my addiction.

However I have learnt with age to become more discerning and no longer fill up hard drives with music I may never listen to. BUT who can resist downloading a Beatleg as it may contain a gem that makes the pulse rcte.

Happy hunting fellow addicts.

PS The book High Fidelity had a strong ring of truth about working in an Indie record shop during that period.

PPS I love a restoration and I take my hat off to those who have the skill and who share their results so freely.
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Re: What is it that keeps your interest in The Beatles alive?

Post by Lord Reith »

Love the responses. I was prompted to do this poll when I saw a thread somewhere else where someone asked how often do you listen to The Beatles and the responses were all "once a month/once a year/once every decade(!)" which shocked me at first but then i thought well, yes, if you had nothing but those studio albums then I can see how it would become a little boring.

It's funny how EMI et al tried to dampen the fans enthusiam by wiping out all foreign pressings in 1987 and cracking down on boots that sold a couple of thousand copies at most! And not allowing the music to be used in films and things like that. I mean, if you wanted to devise a perfect way of killing off interest in a band, then that is a textbook approach. Thankfully they now seem finally to understand that allowing fans to indulge their passion only increases their profits, not the reverse.
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Re: What is it that keeps your interest in The Beatles alive?

Post by Golem »

Probably just the idea that there's always more to learn and categorize. I mean until we have 1 bootleg with just everything in chronological order I'll stay interested.
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Re: What is it that keeps your interest in The Beatles alive?

Post by BeatleG »

Lord Reith,

I wish you had another category in the poll and that the first two were combined, unreleased audio and video. The extra category that would be up my alley would be the discussions/treads and interesting information gained from reading the posts in this group, including the ones you generate or expand on given our obvious expansive knowledge of the Beatles, recording processes, and related topics.

I never lost interest in the Beatles (Heck I splurged on a Beatles pinball machines several years ago, the most expensive thing I've ever purchased that wasn't a car), because I have had the habit of looking for Beatles boots (and commercial stuff) that was rejuvenated because of the Internet since the later part of the '90s But things seemed to run out a few years ago. I knew I didn't have it all, but was convinced I had most of what was important. I had grabbed endless FAB DVDs and other such material, and I pretty much got all the audio stuff when I realized I didn't need to keep up with all the solo material anymore. Paul's voice was giving out and though Ringo is consistent and always pleasant to listen to once through at least, and George didn't seem to have enough great stuff to listen to/continue to buy his albums as much as I got off on Paul's early solo, Wings, and into the '70's/'80s at least. Sort of the same with John's material. I focused more on other musical artists for my listening pleasure, but I always had Beatles in the mix, like when listening to my favorites folders. Since joining this group, my interest in the Beatles has returned dramatically. Checking this group is one of the regular things I do when I get home from work. I check my email, check this group (and maybe look around a little more at another group), check a movie site, and eventually check out a little political nonsense. Some days (such as with this thread), it takes me longer to get to the political nonsense or even dinner since I'm spending time writing this response. I guess what I'm saying is, don't disregard this group as a "What keeps your interest in the Beatles alive?"

So for me, it's the discussion with the much appreciated audio and video material generously posted by the members. (I swear I'd share more but don't have what I think would be interesting that's not already posted here. I mean, would it benefit the group if I shared old and probably later much upgraded stuff from my collection, maybe for relative newcomers?) BTW, Lord Reith, your Harry and his box set is the best thing since sliced bread! I've got one on now. Perfect mix of great Beatles (My admiration for BBC material has increased dramatically now), announcer talk and the frivolity with the band, and other artists involvement. I thank you big big.

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Re: What is it that keeps your interest in The Beatles alive?

Post by monkeesfan1965 »

I would say they are a constant reminder of my youth. I grew up on the Capitol caalogue, and I scoured every TV guide in the 70's and early 80's for Beatles material on tv. My brother is 10 years my senior and he had a collection that I was vaguely familiar with. I was 5 when Let it Be was released and I remember him coming home with the record, holding it high over his head like a first place trophy shouting "It's here!" "I finally got it!" as he bolted up the 2 flights of stairs to his room, locked his door and spun side one. I go to his door before Two of Us was into the first verse, suctioning my ear to the cold painted door. I wanted to play violin as a child until I heard this record muffled through oak and latex.I started playing guitar at 8. My first song was ROcky Racoon. My second was come together, then day tripper.
For me, my interest continues because I PURPOSEFULLY dd not learn every song on guitar or bass, or even later on keyboards. I held some back- Kept some intrigue and mystery. I just, at 57, bothered to pick up a harmonica and belt out my first tune on a new instrument- Love Me Do. Maybe next month, I'll learn the guitar part. THe bass maybe over summer. See, It all becomes fresher when you sit down, and actually absorb what they wrote. 50 years of playiong music later, my hearing is failing me. My left ear retains about 35% of it's audible range. The new remixes and remasterings are leaving me behind, because I don't hear the mids very well anymore. But, I still find new sounds, and phrases- small little orchastrations within the melody. Each day I hear a little les well, and each day, I catch a snippet of something either never heard, or immuturely discarded decades ago.
I hope JOhn, Paul, George, and RIngo or atleast Mickey, Michael, peter and David are the last musical sounds I hear.
What a blessing it would be to have a grandchild's laughter be the VERY last.....
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Re: What is it that keeps your interest in The Beatles alive?

Post by zaval80 »

I like two things the most: quality and progress. Be it audio, video, or books. Like, we were "there" back in whatever year, and we came to "here". The overall knowledge of the subject was on that level, and now it is at this level.

I can relate to the waning interest at some point, as LR has described. Circa 2011-12, my fave band The Doors decided against issuing a 4 or 5-disc set of their (great IMO) album "LA Woman". When great bands but of (IMO) lesser standing like the Velvet Underground and Sex Pistols had no qualms about putting out their products of similar ilk, which I gladly acquired. Was I incensed on The Doors' defecting or what! :lol: My preoccupation changed to The Beach Boys immediately :D Took The Doors 10 years to put out finally that LAW set :lol: though not on "da level" I'd like to see; they hate an idea of a solid-looking book :lol: , and they like to peddle a vinyl copy with the CDs :o

Still, there was an increase in the level of new Doors knowledge in the recent years, so I duly recognized it and rekindled my interest in the band - with the vengeance. :D
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Re: What is it that keeps your interest in The Beatles alive?

Post by BeatlesInMyLife »

I´m a Beatle Fan since 1982 and start collecting bootlegs in cassette since 1984. My first unreleased music was a cassette I recorded from TV, a compilation of Let It Be soundtrack including things like Besame Mucho and a longest Dig It. Some years later I did my first bootleg LP purchase from Appleland Records, then KTS in Italy and try to find books about bootlegs. Now I´m 53 years old, listen Beatles music 95% of my day and I am still interested in unreleased material and collecting old bootlegs from TMOQ, CBM, etc.

Love the Mad Day Out photo session and have a page in facebook about that, so I´m also looking for photos and contact sheets from Don McCullin, Stephen Goldblatt, Tom Murray, Tony Bramwell, Mal Evans and the less known Ronald Firzgibbon, all of them were in the Mad Day Out photo session in July 28th, 1968.

Great post and I have a great time reading all your posts. Thank you so much Lord Reith and excuse my english.

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Re: What is it that keeps your interest in The Beatles alive?

Post by Gredel21 »

Conciderng alot of original Beatle fans are 60 Years and up.
Beatlemania played a huge part of growing up .
including Hard Days Night Ed Sullivan , and the publicity
Who wouldnt forget " She Loves You" and " I want to hold your hand " On 45 singles.
For many on the forum finding " New " Books and tapes sill peals a interest in whats coming up.

Apart from that the Lp's/45's and CD's still hold up today as great recordings.
There are very few artists you could play both sides end to end and not be disapointed

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Re: What is it that keeps your interest in The Beatles alive?

Post by Tex »

Having a DAW and being able to tinker with the mixes (especially now) has become a hobby otherwise I would not be listening to The Beatles as much.
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Re: What is it that keeps your interest in The Beatles alive?

Post by Lord Reith »

Thanks for the great responses.

BeatleG wrote: Tue Apr 02, 2024 11:48 pm Lord Reith, I wish you had another category in the poll and that the first two were combined, unreleased audio and video. The extra category that would be up my alley would be the discussions/treads and interesting information gained from reading the posts in this group, including the ones you generate or expand on given our obvious expansive knowledge of the Beatles, recording processes, and related topics.
Well just for you I've added that extra option, plus the ability to change your previous vote!
BTW, Lord Reith, your Harry and his box set is the best thing since sliced bread! I've got one on now. Perfect mix of great Beatles (My admiration for BBC material has increased dramatically now), announcer talk and the frivolity with the band, and other artists involvement. I thank you big big.
Well thanks! And I'm sure Harry would thank you too.
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