What if the Beatles never broke up?

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What if the Beatles never broke up?

Post by moptophugger »

A tale as old as 1970. What if the Beatles broke up? Tons of answer!

Paperback Writer by Mark Shipper had them come back together for a tour with the Bee Gees, which ended up being a bad tour.

The Beatles Never Broke Up had a weird story of a man going to an alternate dimension where they, of course, never broke up. It has proof of a cassette bootleg of a tour (aka a really fab mash-up album comparable to Love).

One story I remember had John and Paul accepting the SNL offer. They ended up making the Muppet show last longer, Michael Jackson and Jeff Lynn die, (Micheal gets fried alive during a Pepsi commercial and Jeff dies in a car crash.) and Ringo becomes a time traveller. What a strange story!

So what would you think happen if they didn't break up or your favourite story about this question? I think it would of been good. I have a nagging feeling that Ringo would of left to be a film star.
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